Yin & Yoga Nidra Workshops
My two hour weekend workshops combine Yin and Yoga Nidra, I will go into a bit more detail on both, but overall the aim is an afternoon of deep rest and relaxation. Workshops are the second Sunday of each month from 1-3pm. Bookings are now open for all workshops up until November. Just scroll down to book a spot.
Yin yoga is all about releasing into poses with longer holds. The two hour container gives us the opportunity to linger for longer, really getting into those yin tissues, the fascia and joints. It is also an opportunity to simply be present with ourselves. When we free ourselves from all of life’s distractions, what will we find? Hopefully some peace and calm, perhaps also some personal insight. I do genuinely believe that Yin yoga has this power. To be both incredibly relaxing, yet also offer a safe space for personal enquiry. To just experience the ebb and flow of our own thoughts and emotions. If we are sitting with ourselves in silence and stillness, we will surely uncover some sort of truth.
The easiest way to perhaps think of Yoga Nidra is as a guided meditation; you lie on your mat (cosied in under a blanket) and my voice guides you. However there is greater relaxation than in a guided meditation, less focus and concentration, just allowing the consciousness to be in a restful state. Not quite awake and not quite asleep. My training is in iRest Yoga Nidra, which combines traditional yogic practice with western psychology and neuroscience. Making the traditional practice simple, accessible and relevant to modern day life. There is a lot of research showing the positive impact of iRest in resolving trauma, coping with daily stress, improving sleep…the list goes on! (If you are interested in the research: https://www.irest.org/irest-research ).
These two practices really complement one another, and I’m excited to run these workshops and create a really cosy space for us all to enjoy. All props are provided at the studio, which is pretty well served by many bus routes, so hopefully wherever in Edinburgh you live it’s easy enough to get to.